Shettima: Actor, Kenneth Okonkwo, Resigns Membership Of APC

Shettima: Actor, Kenneth Okonkwo, Resigns Membership Of APC.

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Shettima: Actor, Kenneth Okonkwo, Resigns Membership Of APC.


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Nollywood actor, Kenneth Okonkwo, has resigned his membership of the All Progressives Congress over the choice of Kashim Shettima as the running mate of the party's presidential candidate, Bola Tinubu. He revealed this in a letter shared on his Instagram page on Monday.

Part of the letter read, “Recall that joined APC because of its Constitutional vow, as true Progressives and Patriots, to eliminate all forms of discrimination and social injustice in Nigeria… “Those ideals are now alien to the APC, with their unfortunate decision to paint our Muslim brothers in had light, by insinuating that the Muslims in Nigeria will not accept or vote for a Northern Christian as Vice-President to pair with a Southern Muslim.

If Muslims could vote voluntarily for Southern Christian Presidents, it is then a fallacy to insinuate that they cannot accept a Northern Christian Vice-President. This will permanently destroy the political viability of Northern Christians in Nigeria, if allowed to stand.” Credit: Instagram | iamkennethokonkwo

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